What My Objectification Kink Taught Me About Relationships

There are many forms of “objectification play” that I’ve experimented with, and the older I get, the more I seem to enjoy this kink.

There’s the version where I’m a literal object, usually a piece of furniture like a footstool or drink-holder, performing a functional service that may not appear outwardly sexual but can feel very sexual on the inside.

There’s the version where I pretend to be a doll – either a literal, porcelain doll, or a full-grown adult who’s been transformed via hypnosis or drugs into a “human sex doll” – and then get to be “used” by my “owner.”

There’s the form of objectification that most non-kinky people are familiar with, the kind that shows up in fashion magazines and in plenty of porn, wherein I’m viewed as a sexual object without agency or personhood, just a series of willing and fuckable holes.

And there are lots more ways this kink can play out that I haven’t even tried yet.


As with many kinks of mine, a lot of what appeals to me about objectification is the way it helps me reclaim and subvert shitty nonconsensual experiences I’ve had in the past. All the Tinder bros who text shit like “u up?” and “ready to be my fuk machine tonight?” All the hookups who cared more about getting off than giving pleasure. All the times I thought I meant something to my date on an emotional level – even one as simple as “I like her and like having conversations with her” – but it turns out that apparently I didn’t.

The sting of these mistreatments has eased a bit after several years, but I can still bring those feelings vibrantly to mind if I focus on those memories. Because I’ve paired that type of objectification with consent and pleasure in roleplays with trusted partners, the idea of being sexually objectified in this way is no longer quite as abhorrent to me – because I know it can be done in consensual ways.

Granted, none of the people with whom I’ve play-acted objectification actually saw me as objects; that was what allowed the play-acting to indeed feel like play and not like senseless cruelty.


As someone who writes about sex toys professionally (including, occasionally, sex dolls), I find it oddly gratifying to pretend to be a sex toy of sorts from time to time. There’s something subversive and relaxing to me about setting aside the sexual machines I’ve been writing about all day and then getting to morph into a sexual machine myself.

See, when I’m being objectified in a deeply consensual and intentional way, my mind gets to shut off. And I value that a lot, as someone whose mind is always racing with anxiety and deadlines.

But also, in my career as a sex scribe, I’ve encountered countless people who thought that my career choice was an invitation for harassment and nonconsensual sexualization. They thought that my creative interest in topics like sexual psychology and the history of the porn industry was reason enough to see me as a walking, talking sex doll who exists to spice up their boring lives.

I understand the desire to have your life overtaken by someone interesting and magical – it’s the reason “manic pixie dream girl” stories continue to get cranked out year after year. It’s also something I’ve felt myself, during long hours of swiping on Tinder late into the night, always hoping that the next swipe would conjure a life-altering force, someone so cute and charming and kind and loving that my entire daily existence would take on a different tenor just from having them around.

But as I’ve been learning in therapy, viewing other people as potential “redeemers” or “saviors” gives your power away. It strips you of the knowledge that you have the ability to make yourself happy more readily and more profoundly than any external person can. It makes you feel dependent on people you never actually needed and maybe never even really wanted.


So I’ve been on both sides of the objectification equation: I’ve been objectified (a lot), and in some ways I’ve objectified other people too, seen them as heroes or saviors or props in my life story.

This is no doubt why it feels so good to me now when I play with objectification, from either side of the D/s slash. Because it shows me the difference between the consensual and nonconsensual versions of these dynamics – and even equips me with the communication tools I need to say, “No. Stop. You’re putting me in a role I didn’t consent to, and I will not stand for that.”


This post was sponsored. As always, all writing and opinions are my own.

Should You Be Able to Rate & Review Sexual Partners?

I wrote this in high school but lots of it still rings true…

In 2013, a new app called Lulu was released which allowed female users to anonymously rate and review their male acquaintances, including friends, exes, and past hookups. The men were rated on a 10-point scale, for criteria like humor, manners, ambition, and willingness to commit.

There was immediately a media panic about it, with outlets referring to Lulu as “Sex Yelp” and speculating on what it portended about human relationships in the 21st century. Dating-app giant Badoo later acquired Lulu and shut down the ratings component of the app, but the question remained: is rating and reviewing sexual partners useful? And perhaps even more pressingly: is it ethical?

I’m sorry about the cissexism. We were young and shitty.

I thought about this again years later when a friend and I devised a rating scheme for penises we had known, featuring criteria like “hygiene,” “soft skin,” “taste of cum,” “testicular perkiness,” and so on. It seemed harmless to me at the time, a hilarious joke perpetrated while tipsy, but upon reviewing it in the light of day, I realized how objectifying it was. What I’d originally conceptualized as a tool for discussing sexploits with friends (“The dick I sucked last night was an 86 out of 100, can you believe?!”) now seemed like a process as cruel and dismissive as swiping through Hot or Not or scoring selfie-submitters on the “Am I Ugly?” subreddit. How could I call myself sex-positive and body-positive if I was literally assigning numerical scores to people’s anatomy? I couldn’t.

There are some cases where rating sexual partners seems fine, or even prudent. Sometimes clients offer public feedback about sex workers they’ve seen (check out USASexGuide for more on that), which can inform prospective johns’ decisions and drive clientele to service providers. There are also always backchannels where women and other marginalized people exchange notes on their dates and hookups with others in their community, warning friends away from abusers and boundary-crossers. These discussions are crucial for keeping people safe who would otherwise have trouble staying safe, because of the unfortunate ways our dating culture and sex work laws are set up. I don’t begrudge anyone for sharing info about “bad dates” and reading other people’s info of the same sort; sometimes these behaviors are the only recourse you have.

But rating people’s bodies and sexual skills is a different thing entirely. Sex is deeply personal, and sometimes embarrassing, and a lot of people have a lot of hangups about it; the same things can be said about our fallible human bodies. It seems unjustifiably cruel to rate people on these criteria in a venue as public as an app or a website, unless they’ve specifically solicited that feedback, like people do on “rate me” forums. (I often wonder if these people are suffering from low self-esteem, or discovering a sublimated objectification/humiliation kink, or both.) In a culture as sex-negative and body-critical as ours, you hardly need say anything at all to fuel someone’s deepest fears and insecurities. Even the most seemingly innocuous criticism can set off a spiral of self-hatred in those of us who are susceptible to this sort of thing, which is most of us.

So I can no longer justify rating and objectifying people (or penises) in the ways I used to. Eradicating sexual shame and encouraging self-love are two of my key goals, professionally and personally, and critiquing bodies and sexualities runs counter to these objectives. This is true not only for other people but for myself: the more you cast a critical eye on how other people look and what they’re doing in bed, the more you’ll tend to judge yourself in those areas as well, perhaps without even meaning to. These mental habits are dangerous, and insidious, and must be actively fought against to be extinguished.

Tell your best friend about last night’s mediocre hookup over drinks, if you like; write in your journal about genitalia that confounded you, if you must. But sharing these judgments online doesn’t really serve anyone, in my view, and it may even contribute to society-wide shame cycles. If you want to create a better world for humans who have sex, one of the best ways to start is to view everyone’s body and sexuality with the same compassion you’d hope they would extend to you.


This post was sponsored. As always, all words and opinions are my own.

The “Helpless Little Slut” Instruction Manual

Author’s note: Last Christmas Eve, I had just met my boyfriend 2 weeks earlier and already we were sexting rather frequently and intensely. He was my Sir and my daddy, and I was his good girl and his helpless little slut. I mentioned to him in passing that it can be hard to get me off more than once in a session, and that partners usually only figure out how to do it after lots of practice. Sir had an idea – he assigned me the task of writing instructions for giving me multiple orgasms, in the style of a toy’s instruction manual. Ever a teacher’s pet, I started writing immediately, and later that night – after a distracted viewing of It’s a Wonderful Life during which I wrote and wrote – I sent him this. Enjoy!

Congratulations on the purchase of your very own Helpless Little Slut®, this season’s hottest toy!

Your new fuckdoll comes equipped with several built-in parts which enable her to reach Orgasm or (for advanced players) Multiple Orgasms. These parts include:
• Her Clit
• Her G-Spot (located 2–3 inches inside her Pussy on the front wall)
• Her A-Spot (located 5–6 inches inside her Pussy on the front wall, in front of her Cervix)

Understanding these features is vital to making full use of your Slut, so take a few moments to locate them before playing!

What follows is a guide for inducing Multiple Orgasms in your Slut. She doesn’t require batteries, so with skill, attention, and patience, you’ll learn how to make her keep going and going and going!

Step One: Warm-Up

Your Slut works best when powered up gradually and with care. Take your time with this for optimal operation later on.

Jumping straight to your Slut’s sensitive Clit can short-circuit her system. Approach with caution!

Before you proceed to her Pussy, we recommend warming up your Slut with activities including, but not limited to:
Kissing her Lips, Face, Neck, Shoulders, Breasts, Belly, and Thighs
Biting her Lips, Neck, Shoulders, Arms, Breasts, and Thighs
Sucking her Lips (the ones on her face) and Nipples
Holding her down with firm pressure on her Wrists, Arms, or Chest
Slapping her Breasts, Ass, Thighs, and Face
• Exploring and discovering your own technique(s)!

You’ll know your Slut is ready for the next step when she is:
• Moaning
• Rolling her Hips
• Flushed
• Wet
• Increasingly incoherent
• Begging for it

Step Two: External Stimulation

Your Slut’s Clit is the most sensitive and responsive part of her anatomy. Approach it with care and caution so as not to overload her processor.

As you wait for her Clit to reach full sensitivity and readiness, we recommend exploring and stimulating these nearby areas on your Slut:
• Inner Thighs
• Mons Pubis
• Outer Labia
• Inner Labia
• Vaginal Opening (taste it for a burst of flavor!)
External G-Spot (easily locatable due to red heart decal ❤️)

When your Slut is ready to have her Clit touched, she’ll make telltale whining and groaning sounds. See how loud you can make her before you deign to proceed!

Your fuckdoll’s Clit comes equipped with a Clitoral Hood which serves to protect her Clit from overstimulation and pain. Stimulate her Clit through its Hood and/or the Inner Labia at all times for best performance! (This rule may occasionally be broken by advanced players but we do not recommend beginners eschew this measure.)

Hint: Giving Multiple Orgasms to your Slut is easiest if her first Orgasm occurs from solely Clit stimulation.

Use your fingers and/or mouth on your Slut’s Clit. Listen and respond to her sound effects to learn what to do!

Hint: Your Slut’s first Orgasm can usually be induced without the use of a Vibrator, but subsequently she may need the additional power of a mechanical supplement, such as the We-Vibe Tango or Magic Wand Rechargeable. Hold it yourself or (for your added convenience and freedom) instruct her to do so!

Troubleshooting: If your Slut freezes up with an Anxiety Error, try these handy passphrases, or variations thereof, to get her functioning again:
• “You taste delicious.”
• “You’re beautiful.”
• “Just relax and enjoy.”
• “I could do this all night.”
• “Does that feel good, baby?”

Increase the length and intensity of your Slut’s Orgasm by applying rhythmic, firm pressure to her Clit, Clitoral Hood, and Clitoral Shaft while her Orgasm occurs.

Step Three: Interlude

After Orgasm, your Slut’s delicate Clit needs time to reset. However, you can still play with her! This is an opportune time for other activities, including but not limited to:
• Kissing, Biting, and Slapping (see above)
Blowjobs (your Slut’s yielding Mouth becomes even more so after Orgasm!)
Penetration (see below)
Touching and/or Squeezing her Shoulders, Breasts, Back, and Hips
Pressing her External G-Spot with firm, circular pressure

Your Slut’s Refractory Period may last as few as ten minutes or as long as an hour. Don’t despair: there are lots of fun ways to use her in the meantime!

Troubleshooting: if your Slut seems overly fatigued after Orgasm, she may be in need of water, a snack, and/or some words of reassurance. However, some fatigue and incoherence is normal at this stage. (For advanced players: she may be particularly susceptible at this stage to Erotic Hypnosis.)

Hint: We recommend returning to the Warm-Up step (see above), albeit for perhaps a shorter period, before attempting to give your Slut a second Orgasm.

Step Four: Penetration

Optionally, you may touch the inside of your Slut’s Pussy with your fingers, your cock, and/or a Dildo.

Your Slut’s G-Spot responds to hard pounding or pulsing, while her A-Spot prefers firm stroking and pulling. Both Spots work best when stroked with a consistent, steady rhythm. Your Slut may ask for a faster rhythm as she approaches Orgasm; it is up to your discretion whether you give her what she wants!

Hint: Your Slut comes pre-equipped with interactive communication abilities for easier location and stimulation of her Spots. Override your Slut’s frequent incoherence by asking simple “yes/no” or “either/or” questions, such as:
• “Do you want it deeper?”
• “Harder or softer?”
• “Faster or slower?”

Important: Though your Slut responds positively to Penetration, her Clit must also be touched if Orgasm is your goal. Handily, your Slut can handle this herself with her Fingers or a Vibrator if you are otherwise occupied. (Don’t forget to release her Dominant Hand [the right one on the standard model] from any restraints that may be restricting it if you would like to activate her Self-Stimulation Mode.)

Penetration makes Orgasm easier for your Slut and also results in a stronger, longer Orgasm. Note: this means Multiple Orgasms are most easily achieved if you deny your Slut the Penetration she craves until after her first Orgasm.

Troubleshooting: Add Lube to your Slut’s Pussy as needed if it becomes dry or uncomfortable, so she can remain usable for you as long as possible! (Some types we recommend: Sliquid Sassy and Sutil.)

After each Orgasm, return to the Interlude stage to keep from overloading your Slut’s Clit.

Note: Your Slut’s daily Orgasm limit is likely to be three, depending on her comfort, sensitivity, recency of other Orgasms, and other pertinent factors. However, we invite you to aim for the stars!

By following these instructions, you’ll be able to maximize your enjoyment of your brand-new Helpless Little Slut®!