Baths are one of life’s grand delights, if you ask me. Maybe we like them so much because they’re like returning to the womb, in a sense – floating, safe and sound, in warm water, alone with your thoughts. What could be more calming? (Well, the “alone with your thoughts” part isn’t so great if you have anxiety, but you get the idea.)
I want you to maximize the relaxation and rejuvenation you can wring out of a good bath, so here are some of my top bathing tips…
Make it smell nice. This is the most basic way to turn up a bath’s fancy quotient. Some of my all-time favorite fragrant bath additives: Lush’s Brightside and The Comforter bubble bars, a few glugs of lavender essential oil, and those scented Epsom salts you can find in most convenience stores. Mix and match to create your ideal olfactory landscape!
Light it pretty. Candles (especially scented candles) are a classic for this purpose, though make sure they’re oriented for minimal fire risk! If candlelight isn’t your style, LED fairy lights are equally soothing. I also have a Neuma lamp which can cycle gradually through all the colors of the rainbow, and I find it highly relaxing to watch.
Turn up the tunes. Or turn them down. Whatever you prefer! I usually just blast some calming songs on my iPhone, but if you want to get real fancy, you could set up a Bluetooth speaker or something.
Bring reading material. You may prefer to simply silence your brain in the tub, or meditate on the day’s events, but I love to read in the bath. Cheap paperbacks are perfect for this, because dropping one in the water will just give it more character, if anything. I can also highly recommend the waterproof Kindle Oasis; it’s pricey but it has totally revolutionized the way I read!
Jerk off, if you’re into that. I like waterproof sex toys that bring pleasure in and out of the tub, and luckily, there are lots on the market these days! Make sure you’ve got the right kind of lube on hand, however: water-based lube is generally a no-go for underwater use. Silicone-based is better (provided your toy isn’t also made of silicone), though it might leave your tub feeling slippery afterward.
Don’t forget snacks and water! While many of us would love to lounge in a bath for an hour or more, two main reasons we might not be able to are the water cooling down (you can add more hot water if you want) and hunger/thirst. You can lose a lot of electrolytes sweating in the hot water, so keep some portable foods and drinks around! (Writer and bath aficionado Rachel Syme recommends a big bowl of clementines and a popsicle. Sounds good to me.)
Give your skin a treat. Does a head-to-toe body scrub sound nice? How about a tingly face mask? Maybe a slow, methodical full-body shave, using luxurious coconut oil as shaving cream? I find these lengthy, restorative processes totally dreamy.
Talk to a friend on the phone. Wow, remember when we used to do this?! Completely optional, of course, but a phone call to a friend can be a fun addition to bathtime, and may even become a soothing weekly ritual. Grab a waterproof case for your phone, or use a cheap, clunky handset so you don’t drop it into the suds.
Leave work at the door. Some people buy “bath desks,” slats of wood they can slot atop their tub to hold things like a phone, a laptop, or a notebook and pen. I understand the temptation, but for me, there’s no point in taking a bath if I can’t relax my brain once I’m in there. (Plus, I’m scared to death of dropping my computer in the water!) I do, however, keep my phone somewhere nearby (on silent), because some of my best ideas come to me while I’m soaking in the tub, and I need to be able to note them down somewhere if that happens.
Have your post-bath clothes at the ready. Laying out an outfit for Future Me is one of the kindest things I ever do for myself. Often, I’ll place a pair of lounge pants, a T-shirt, and some slippers or fuzzy socks near a heat vent so they’ll be all cozy for me when I’m ready to put them on. Heaven!
What are your favorite ways to make a bath the best it can be?
This post was sponsored by Diskrét, purveyors of classy sex toys for serious enthusiasts! As always, all writing and opinions are my own.