Do you ever watch porn like it was a cinematic adventure, rather than a perfunctory wank tool? While I’ve consumed my fair share of porn solo for its intended purpose (ahem), I’ve also enjoyed many a social porn-watching session – giggling and marveling at the best porn sites with close friends and partners. Whether we end up commentating on a particular porn star’s stellar blowjob skills, perfect eyeliner, or sociocultural impact, this practice always leads to great conversations.
With that in mind, I have 6 ideas for you today of “games” you could play while watching porn with a loved one. Provided you know some cool people, these could be really fun!
“What Are You Into?”
This is the most basic of porn games, and also one of the most illuminating. Simply take turns loading up and showing each other porn clips you’ve enjoyed, and discussing what you find hot about each one. This is like the X-rated equivalent of those parties that devolve into people forcing each other to watch YouTube videos – except you’re going to do this version with the enthusiastic consent of all participants, right?!
Learning about the porn tastes of your partners can help inform the fantasies and scenes you might explore with them moving forward – while learning this shit about your friends is just fun. Plus you get to exclaim things like “Can you BELIEVE how big that dick is?!” and “Is he really going to come inside a watermelon?!”
Drinking Game
Okay, you don’t actually have to drink, because not everybody does. So replace “take a shot” in the following description with “swig some water” or “munch a snack” or “do a victory dance” or really whatever you please. In this type of porn game, you take a shot every time “x” happens in the porn you’re watching, and you get to decide as a group what “x” will be.
This works best if you customize the “drinking trigger” to the particular clip or genre you’re watching. For example, take a shot every time a mouthy porn star says “fuck,” every time you hear a choking sound in a blowjob scene, or every time a cheesy music cue overpowers the sounds of the performers. The (porn) world is your oyster!
Humiliation Kink
Dominant types, here’s a suggestion just for you: if your submissive watches porn as part of their masturbation routine, have them keep a list for a while of all the porn clips they watch. Then, whenever you feel like it, sit them down and “make” them show you clips from the list. You can mildly humiliate them by quizzing them about what they find hot in the scene, what made them come, and so on. This is a great way to extract useful information while also making your sub blush a whole lot!
Orgasm Race
This one’s pretty straightforward… Provided everyone in the room consents to this dynamic, get out your sex toys, lube, and whatever else you’ll need, and start jerking off to the porn on screen. Whoever reaches orgasm first wins some kind of prize… like getting to pick the next porn clip you watch!
It could be fun to “stack the deck” in this game by selecting clips you think are unlikely to turn people on – wacky fetishes, awkward dirty talk, or what have you – but remember that someone in the room might very well have the kink you’re ostensibly making fun of! As with any sexual experience you share with others, try to be as conscientious and open-minded as possible. You can delight in the silliness of a porn clip without mocking its content, but that’s a fine line to walk.
Dramatic Reading
Ever checked out the comments below your favorite porn clip? It’s almost guaranteed to be a hoot. After you enjoy a porn video with a partner or pal, scroll down and read some of the comments aloud. There’s usually weirdly a lot of vitriol in there (after all, it is a comment section on the internet), but you’ll likely also see a lot of enthusiasm and genuine joy. Plus a plethora of exclamation marks.
Shadow Cast
You know those Rocky Horror Picture Show screenings where enthusiastic nerds act out the story in front of the screen, casting shadows and making the movie into a much more real and immediate experience for everyone present? You can do that with porn, too!
Any time you see something happening on the screen that you want to do yourself, just grab a (consenting) partner and go do it. This works best at a sexy party full of people who are comfortable with each other; that way, you can switch off as necessary, because someone replicating a cinematic blowjob won’t necessarily want to copycat the anal fisting happening in the following scene. Just make sure to compliment each other’s technique and cheer each other on, so this game becomes less of a cutthroat competition and more of a shared celebration of sexuality!
Do you like to play games while watching porn? What are your faves?
This post was sponsored by The Porn Dude. As always, all writing and opinions are my own. Please note: A third-party producer for a porn production company associated with ThePornDude, PornDudeCasting, was recently accused of assaulting sex workers, including Aliya Brynn. However, I am assured by ThePornDude et al. that this producer (Sammy Mohamed) has been terminated from his position.