Upgrade Your Magic Wand With These Neat Accessories

The Magic Wand – formerly produced under the Hitachi name, now still manufactured by Hitachi but distributed and branded by Vibratex – is, it must be said, a legend. You know a sex toy has truly reached “indispensable” status when other companies start making accessories to go with it! I don’t know very many other toys besides the Magic Wand for which that has happened.

The lovely folks at Betty’s Toy Box sent me a couple of Magic Wand accessories recently, and I wanted to talk about them and some of their many uses!

The Wand Assist Adjustable Gooseneck Hands-Free Wand Holder (phew, what a mouthful!) is a clamp designed to hold your wand for you so you can use it without clutching onto it for dear life. Straight out of the box, it requires assembly, but my boyfriend was able to figure it out pretty quickly (naked, I might add). It comes with two differently-sized ends, so you can use it with bigger wands or smaller ones. The other end can be affixed to “any flat, appropriately-sized edge,” like the side of a desk or chair. It’s a simple but surprisingly versatile product, and I’m glad to own it! Here are a few potential uses for this wand holder…

• First and foremost, it’s crucial to note how useful this product could be for disabled folks, or anyone with mobility or strength issues that make it difficult to hold onto a wand. Even I, with my occasional and relatively mild chronic pain issues in my joints, sometimes don’t love having to grip a vibe in my sore fingers, keeping my sore wrists and elbows bent, while I jerk off. With a clamp like this, masturbation can become a “set it and forget it” activity. Hallelujah!

• As we’ve discussed before, wand vibes are an ideal prop for forced-orgasm scenes, and this clamp could take that to the next level. Imagine tying your sub to a chair and then lowering a buzzing wand onto their bits so you can watch them squirm and scream. You could even (with proper safety precautions and measures for monitoring ongoing consent) leave the room for a bit, and the wand would keep on truckin’. Amaze.

• I think this clamp would be brilliant for hypnokink scenes. You could stick your sub in front of a spiral gif on a screen and mutter inductions and deepeners in their ear while a wand buzzed faithfully on their bits. It can take a lot of coordination to get someone off with sex toys while also getting inside their head; this clamp could do some of that work for you, allowing you to focus fully on trancing your blank little toy.

• No post about wand vibes on this blog would be complete without a mention of lazy masturbation. (#LazyLyfe 4everrr!) Set up your wand in this clamp, arrange it on your junk, sleuth out some porn online, lean back, and enjoy.

The Liberator Axis Magic Wand Mount is similar to other Liberator positioning aids, except that it has a slot where you can insert your wand. I love that it has a little clear plastic window, so that (depending on what wand you’re using) you can still operate the buttons on your vibe even while it’s tucked inside. It can also be used without a vibe, as a standard positioning toy, to help elevate your hips or butt to make certain sex positions easier and more comfortable. Here are some suggested uses for this clever little product:

• I mean, you could just keep it simple and lie on top of your wand-impregnated Axis while you get fucked from behind. Hands-free genital stimulation is a real treat.

• If you like pleasure with your pain, try lying on the Axis while getting a spanking. Each hit will press you more firmly against the wand. I don’t come from spankings but I imagine it might be possible with this toy and some determination.

• Depending on your level of flexibility, you could lie face-up with the Axis under your ass, insert a butt plug, and angle your hips so that the wand makes contact with the base of the plug. This’ll make the toy vibrate, while tilting your hips to make any additional genital stimulation easier to administer.

What are your favorite uses for wand accessories like these?


Thanks to Betty’s Toy Box for sending me these products to try!