Recently, sex doll company Tantaly reached out to me about doing a review. I asked my partner Matt if they wanted to try a sex doll, and… of course they did! The one we picked is the Scarlett mini sex doll, and you can use the code GirlyJuice10 to get 10% off your entire order if you choose to buy Scarlett or any other doll on Tantaly’s site.
This isn’t a typical review; it’s a transcribed interview we did while Matt was testing out the doll in various ways at my behest. So, be aware that there is sexual activity in this interview! I hope you enjoy…
Kate: Why did you choose this doll in particular?
Matt: I looked at all of them, and there’s some weird things about the way that they’re sectioned on the website. The weirdest thing is that all of the ones that have Black skin are in a separate section that you don’t see by default, which is very strange and very weird. But they also separate full-size dolls from miniature ones. And I was thinking, I have a pretty small apartment and I don’t have a ton of room to store a human-sized object, so I looked at the miniature ones. I think this the best-reviewed or the most-purchased of those. Also, there are some that only have one entry hole, and I wanted to test one that had two at least.
Kate: How did you feel when the package arrived and you opened her up for the first time?
Matt: Good question. Well, I live in a doorman building, so the first thing I felt was kind of like, Oh, it sucks that someone had to carry this 15-pound thing up to my apartment… They probably put it on a cart, but still I felt a little weird about that. And then I was like, well, could they tell it was a sex doll? They’re going to judge me every time I walk through my lobby. And I looked at the label on the box and I was like, no, it’s not obvious. Okay.
And then I was just curious. I was like, what’s it gonna feel like? Because I’d only seen pictures of a sex doll. I hadn’t really touched one before this, in a store or anything. So I didn’t know exactly what it would be like. What did you think when it arrived?
Kate: Oh, I mean, she’s very tiny.
Matt: Yes. That’s… yes. After I opened it, that was my thought too. The smallest.
Kate: Well, at least she’s proportional, so she doesn’t look like a toddler, which is what I was concerned about.
Matt: I was also concerned about that. Yes. I looked at the pictures and I was like, am I going to feel like this is weird for that reason? And no, I don’t think so. I mean, some people might, and that’s fine, but definitely it seems like an adult, even though your brain has to do some kind of like weird thing where it’s like, this is not an adult-sized person, so your brain kind of maps a human body onto this tiny thing. And I think my brain does that fairly naturally, even though the belly button is the size of, like, the tip of my pinky, but, you know.
Kate: What were your expectations about how using the doll would make you feel, both physically and emotionally?
Matt: I had no idea how it would feel emotionally. That’s what I was most curious about. Physically, I figured it would just feel like fucking something, but not like fucking a person. And it felt more like fucking a person than I thought it would.
Kate: In what sense?
Matt: I think the main reason is I don’t fuck strokers in the same position that I would fuck a sex doll. So they feel more like masturbating just because of the… like, I’m lying on my back, and I’m like doing a thing with my hand, whereas if I’m prone and like, fucking something, that feels different, just qualitatively, and I’m feeling a skin-like texture against me at the same time. With the visual, it all combines into a different feeling from a stroker.
Kate: Yeah. I was going to ask you, when would you tend to choose a sex doll over a stroker, or a stroker over a sex doll?
Matt: If I was with a partner and I wanted to use a toy, I’d probably pick a stroker, unless there was some fantasy element where the sex doll came into play, like a threesome or a cuckolding scene or something. If I was by myself, I would pick a stroker if I was going for “quick and easy,” if I didn’t want to lug something out and have to clean it out in the sink afterward and the whole thing. But if I was missing human connection and I was alone and I had time, then I would use the doll, I think.
Kate: Can you go down on her a little bit?
[Matt performs cunnilingus on the doll]
Kate: How would you compare this to the real thing, as a fan of cunnilingus?
Matt: Hmm. Well, you can feel all the parts of the vulva, which is great. You don’t get any reactions, obviously, so you have to be able to imagine the reactions, which I can – or not care about them, I suppose. The textures are right. The taste is obviously not, since it’s not human skin so it’s not going to taste like that. And the smell is not right, but it’s not distracting or bothersome either. It’s totally fine. It’s the best version of fantasizing about oral sex that I’ve had, ’cause you’re in the right position and you have all the parts and all the parts feel like the right size and shape and they’re in the right spots. So that’s very helpful for constructing that fantasy.
Kate: Yeah. I was going to ask you, would you ever do this in the absence of a human partner to go down on?
Matt: Oh yeah, totally. Cause like I love going down on people and that would be a turn-on for me inherently.
Kate: Hmm. Interesting. Do you think on a fantasy level, you think of the doll more as a stand-in for a real-life person, or as its own sexual entity?
Matt: Oh gosh. Well, I don’t think of it as a stand-in for a specific person. Like, I don’t think about a specific person usually when I’m touching it. So in that way, I guess it’s its own sexual entity. And I think it would be hard to mentally map this smaller-than-human body onto a specific regular-size human. Maybe with a full-size one, you could more easily order one that looks like the person you want to fantasize about, but for me, I think it’s its own thing.
If I was doing this by myself, I would put on cunnilingus porn just for the sounds.
Kate: Yeah, that makes sense.
Matt: Yeah. That’s the biggest thing that’s missing. Taste is missing, and that’s a big thing, but the biggest thing is actually sound.
Kate: Hmm. Okay. Lie down and touch yourself to get yourself hard, and I’ll ask you another question while you do that.
Matt: Okay.
Kate: It’s not a very arousing question.
Matt: [laughs] That’s fine.
Kate: How do you feel about her being a headless, disembodied torso? Does it affect your experience in any way?
Matt: It definitely is something you have to work around, but it’s not that hard for me to work around it. Like when I’m going down on it and I’m looking up, I can easily sort of screen that stuff out of my peripheral vision. The planes [of the thighs and neck] are super flat and smooth, so it’s not creepy or distracting and doesn’t feel like it’s been dismembered or anything. It’s just like, it’s an object. And the lack of a head might actually be a good thing, because I think if there was a face, it would never really look like a human face and it would freak me out.
Kate: Yeah. That makes sense. Yeah. I want you to start fucking her front hole.
[Matt fucks the doll’s vagina]
Kate: Next question is, what does its vagina feel like?
Matt: We’re switching between “she” and “it” pronouns. I don’t really know its pronouns. Um, it’s textured. It’s nicely textured on all sides. I can feel the lips. They feel aroused when I press against them, which is nice. It can take my whole cock, which is nice. It’s not quite as tight as the Quickshot, but it has a very realistic human tightness. There’s nothing super crazy at the back. Some Tenga toys have a really wild texture toward the back of the sleeve, and I don’t think it has that.
Kate: Okay. When you’re ready, you can flip her over and try the back hole and tell me what that feels like. [Matt flips the doll over] Wow, her back is gorgeous.
Matt: That was one of the first things I noticed too. I like that she’s very stable in this position.
[Matt starts fucking the doll’s butt]
Kate: Does it freak you out that you can see your dick moving through her back?
Matt: Yeah. That does… When I focus on that, it does freak me out a little bit. ‘Cause if that was happening with a human, I’d be like, where’s your spine?! There’s wire in here, but it’s not where the spine is. The spine area is just all squishy. The butt has a good bounce to it, too.
Kate: Does it feel like you’re having anal sex? Physically or psychologically?
Matt: Yeah, it does.
Kate: Hmm. How does coming in the doll feel different from coming inside me?
Matt: It’s the same as with the oral – there’s no reactions. I’m missing the sounds and the gripping and stuff.
Kate: Okay. Whenever you’re ready, fuck her tits a little bit. And I’ll ask you about that.
Matt: Okay.
[Matt tries to fuck the doll’s tits]
Kate: You didn’t like this as much when we tried it before, right?
Matt: I don’t really know… Yeah, it just doesn’t do anything. The boobs are not close enough together. You can’t really even push them together. It just doesn’t work. No, I can’t fuck them. Too far apart.
Kate: What’s your overall review?
Matt: How much does it cost?
Kate: Like 200 bucks or something. [Editor’s note: It costs $209.99.]
Matt: Yeah. I think it’s good. For that price, it’s good.
Kate: Do you think you’re going to use it even after we’ve already reviewed it?
Matt: Yeah! It’s useful for like, if you’re long-distance and your partner’s super into pearl necklaces or anal or whatever; you have a prop, and you can shoot nudes with it that aren’t just, like, your dick.
Kate: Yup. That’s good. Definitely good for an LDR.
Thanks so much to Tantaly for sending us the Scarlett mini sex doll to review! Remember, you can get 10% off your order from Tantaly by using the code GirlyJuice10 at checkout. This post was sponsored, which means we were paid to provide a fair and honest review of the product.