How to Have Sex in a Long-Distance Relationship

For a long time I maintained that I would never be in a long-distance relationship, because sex and other forms of physical affection mattered too much to me.

However, then I fell in love with a brilliant, beautiful, dominant-leaning switch who lives 500 miles away from me, so… that whole “never ever doing an LDR” thing kinda flew out the window.

Before we ever even had sex IRL, it became apparent to us – in the many many hours we spent falling in love over the phone – that we couldn’t be one of those long-distance couples who wait until they’re physically together to share any kind of sexual intimacy. There’s nothing wrong with that type of relationship, of course, and if it works for its participants then I wish them well! But this post is for people who aren’t happy with that being their status quo, and who want to explore alternate ways of building a satisfying sex life within a long-distance relationship. Here are some of the things that have worked for me and Matt…


Phone sex

This is the first way we ever really had sex, and is still, by far, the most common way we get each other off. Although it’s largely gone out of vogue in favor of sexting and other more “modern” forms of long-distance sex, I still think nothing really beats the phone. Sexting feels too abstracted for me a lot of the time, as if I’m having sex with my iPhone rather than with my partner, whereas Skype sex, Zoom sex, etc. make me too self-conscious about my own appearance to really focus on feeling good. Phone sex strikes a happy medium between the two, allowing for the intimate immediacy of hearing your partner’s thoughts and reactions in real-time, but without the hyper-scrutiny that can arise in video sex.

My top tips for phone sex:

  1. Don’t use the actual phone, if you can help it. Do an audio call on something like FaceTime or Skype (yes, these normally video-centric services allow for audio-only calls). The quality is much better and so your experience will be better too.
  2. Get the right equipment. You don’t want to be fumbling with your handset while you’re trying to, um, “fumble with your handset.” For years I’ve used a pair of standard wired Apple earbuds, which have a microphone built-in, leaving my hands free to do other things.
  3. Talk about what you would do if you were physically together. It’s that simple. Or, if you prefer, you can use your imaginations to craft a roleplay scenario that would only be possible on the phone.



It’s not my preferred way of having long-distance sex, but many people enjoy it. Personally I find it too hard to juggle typing and touching myself at the same time. Many of the folks I know who are into sexting say that they don’t really masturbate during the sexting, but moreso after it, when they can scroll back through the messages to their heart’s content. I prefer the real-time aspect of phone sex.

However, sexting can be really fun, and may be especially useful as an avenue for communication if you struggle to tell your partner about your sexual desires and preferences. After all, sometimes it’s easier to type “I want you to [x]” into your phone than to say it out loud to your partner’s beautiful face. I suggest reading Tina Horn’s book Sexting if you’re looking for advice on how to sext like a pro.

Sexting can also involve the exchange of sexy photos or videos, both of which can be lovely to receive (consensually, at appropriate times) when you’re missing your partner’s body.


Long-distance sex toys

There was a time when virtual sex via high-tech toys – a field of products sometimes known as “teledildonics” – was an exotic, futuristic concept, something technology magazines wrote about with wonderment and awe. These days, though, that type of toy is pretty widely available, so “touching” your partner via Bluetooth is a beloved option for many long-distance couples.

My partner has a long-distance stroker and butt plug, both of which we frequently use not only when we’re apart but also when we’re together, because sometimes my chronic pain is such that it’s easier for me to control sliders on my iPad screen than to actually give sensation with my own two hands.

The folks at Honeysx recommend the Magic Motion brand of remotely-controllable sex toys for long-distance couples. I like their bright, punchy aesthetic and reasonable prices!


Video sex

If you or your partner have an exhibitionistic or voyeuristic streak, this is probably something you’d enjoy. Personally, performing in front of a webcam or phone camera feels too much like, well, performing for me, which makes it hard for me to relax into arousal – but I know lots of people feel the polar opposite!

Make sure you use a medium that’s totally secure (someone Zoom-bombing your private moment would be pretty awful). Consider having sex toys on hand to use on yourself, as proxies for your partner’s hands/mouth/genitals/whatever.


What’s your preferred method of having long-distance sex?


This post was sponsored by Honeysx, a site that has a great selection of long-distance sex toys. As always, all writing and opinions are my own.

Can Demisexuals Have Casual Sex? (& If So, How?!)

Ever since I came out as demisexual 2 years ago, people have had a lot of questions for me about that identity. Some of these include:

Q. What is demisexuality?
A. It’s an identity on the asexual spectrum, characterized by developing sexual attraction only to people with whom one has an existing emotional connection. In other words, demisexuals don’t (and indeed, can’t) become sexually attracted to strangers, or people they have just met and know nothing about; it takes some amount of intimacy, mutual trust, and/or get-to-know-ya time before a demi person can develop a sexual attraction.

Q. How is that different from just preferring sex in relationships over hookups/one-night stands?
A. What you’re describing is a preference; what I’m describing is a sexual orientation. If you don’t like hookups but nonetheless find yourself regularly feeling sexually attracted to people you don’t know or have just met – such as thinking the stranger across the bar is hot, or wishing you could fuck the cute person who just walked past you on the street – then you aren’t demisexual. Also, it’s worth noting that sexual orientation and sexual behavior do not always “match,” so just because a demisexual may not feel sexual attraction toward a person they’ve just met doesn’t automatically mean that they won’t hook up with that person, or won’t enjoy hooking up with that person.

Q. Wait, what? Why would you hook up with someone you’re not sexually attracted to?
A. Oh, gosh. So many reasons. For me personally, the main reasons I do this tend to be 1) the desire for the fun, excitement, and pleasure of the hookup itself, which can exist independently of whether or not I’m attracted to the person I’m hooking up with, and 2) the desire to use sex to get to know someone, so an attraction may develop. (It’s important to remember, too, in trying to understand this concept, that “not attracted to” is not usually the same thing as “repulsed by.”)


I thought today would be a good day to dive a little deeper on a question that is related to these, which is: Can demisexuals have casual sex? Or, more to the point, can they enjoy it?

I have indeed jumped onto a free sex app looking for a carnal meet-cute from time to time. I have swept my eyes over the stranger chatting me up at a sex club and thought, “Sure.” I am not immune to these temptations, though for me they are not based on sexual attraction. They’re more based on a desire for pleasure, excitement, and adventure.

In some ways, I think of sex like dancing. Some people say dancing is the most romantic, the most intimate and fun, when you do it with someone you’re in love with, or even just someone you’re attracted to. It may give you that buzzy feeling of crackling energy flowing between you, the desire to lean in close for an impulsive kiss, the sense that everyone else in the room has faded away and it’s just you and your dance partner, whirling and gyrating. But at the same time, I’m sure you can think of instances when you’ve danced with (or near) someone you weren’t in love with, weren’t even attracted to, and still had a good time. Perhaps you didn’t even know their name. Maybe the music was good, or the athleticism of the dancing got your heart rate up in an invigorating way, or you just enjoyed the fun of getting to know someone from the way they move. It may not have even mattered if you ever saw the person again; your one shared dance was a self-contained encounter that was pleasing in and of itself, and required neither a deep emotional connection nor a later reunion for more dancing. It is likely that your dance partner, or you, simply disappeared into the night sometime after the song was over, and you both moved on with your lives, not feeling pulled to reunite and reconnect, but still happy to have shared that experience with someone who seemed cool.

That’s how I feel about casual sex as a demisexual. It’s not necessarily the best version of sex I can have, or the most emotionally resonant, but that’s not really the point. It’s about fun and frivolity and feeling alive.


I suppose this raises the ethical question of whether your “dance partners” – by which I mean sex partners – need to know you’re not attracted to them. After all, to visit site after site and use app after app searching for a hookup can be an exhausting process; if mutual attraction is what they’re after, don’t they deserve to know upfront that it’s not an option, so they can swipe left and move on to the next?

I actually don’t think so, and here’s why. Most people don’t know what demisexuality is. Hell, most people don’t even know what asexuality is. They have not probed the concepts of sexual orientation versus sexual behavior. They have not pondered the ways a person can enjoy sex without attraction. So all they’re gonna hear, when you try to explain, is “I find you repulsive, but I’ll still have sex with you, if you want, I guess,” even if that’s not at all what you feel you’re expressing.

Should an opportunity arise in conversation, I’ll sometimes disclose something like, “I generally take a while to warm up to people,” or “I enjoy sex more when it’s with someone I’ve already had sex with a few times.” These statements have the added benefit of planting the seed in the other person’s head that you’d be open to an ongoing friends-with-benefits arrangement or similar, rather than just a one-off encounter. But they’re also a way of telling your date the truth about yourself, hopefully without making them feel like a gross gargoyle being thrown a bone (so to speak).


I will say, my demisexuality works more like a dimmer switch than an on/off toggle. If a deep emotional connection gets me hot, a shallower-but-still-present emotional connection gets me… warm. This – among other, more practical reasons, like my physical safety – is why I prefer to go on a date that may or may not end in a hookup, rather than just going over to a stranger’s house (or inviting them over to mine) for immediate sex. You typically can’t develop profound intimacy in the timespan of just one date, but you can develop some intimacy. I like to ask people not only basic first-date questions (job, family, hobbies) but also slightly more probing questions, that may reveal something deeper about who they are, such as:

  • What’s your passion?
  • Read any good books lately?
  • Does the climate crisis worry you?
  • Overall, are you happy with your life?
  • What’s the best thing that’s happened to you today?
  • What’s the last thing that made you laugh really, really hard?

Beyond helping make attraction possible for me (even if it’s just a mild attraction), these types of questions are also just… fun to hear people answer, even people you’ve just met. One of my favorite things about dating and hooking up is getting to know new people. Even though I’m a huge introvert and can only handle it in small doses, I find it delightful and eye-opening to chat with people from different walks of life about their experiences, opinions, hopes, and fears. Getting to learn more about humanity and get laid in the same evening? What’s not to like?!


Lastly, I feel it’s important to add that you can always say no to sex, for any reason you want. You can say no to the idea of casual sex altogether, and just stay home reading a book. You can say no to the random person who asks you out via Tinder, if their vibe rubs you the wrong way or you just don’t feel like going out. You can say no to staying for another drink, if by the end of the first one you’re bored to tears or just wishing you were home watching Netflix instead. You can say no when your date asks you back to their place, whether it’s a “no, but maybe next time” or a permanent kind of no. You can say no when you’re back at their place (or yours), after a nightcap or after some kisses or after some touching or whenever the hell you want. You can say no to seeing them again. You can say no at any time, for any reason or for no reason at all, and anyone who makes you feel like you can’t is someone you should get away from as soon as you possibly can. (Block their number, too. You deserve better.)

As a demisexual, I’ve found that the most likely juncture of a date when I might need to say no is when we’re paying for our drinks/dinner/whatever and have to decide whether to move to a second location. If I don’t want to have sex with them, right then or perhaps ever, but they’ve made an invitation for me to do so, I can say:

  • “Thank you, but no.”
  • “I’m not really feelin’ it.”
  • “It was nice meeting you, but I need to get some rest.”
  • “I don’t think we’re a great fit, but thanks for your time.”
  • “I’ve had a lovely time, but I think I’m just gonna head home.”
  • “I’m not really feeling sexual chemistry here, but I hope you have a good rest of your night.”

I used to feel guilty about doing this, as if I had “wasted their time” by declining sex when there was an unspoken agreement that sex would (or could) happen. But frankly, anyone who believes sex is an obligation, in any context and for any reason, is not a safe person to have sex with. This is also why I prefer to pay for my own drinks/food/transport on all first dates; I need all the help I can get convincing myself that I never owe anyone anything and am free to say no at any time. There is always a chance that someone will get angry and/or aggressive when rebuffed in this way, however gently; this is one of the many reasons it’s best to have all first dates in public, well-lit places where there are plenty of other people around.


Are you a demisexual person who enjoys casual sex? What are your tips and tricks for having demi-friendly hookups?


This post was sponsored. As always, all writing and opinions are my own.

5 Yummy Summer Cocktails

Summer is well and truly upon us, and my city is reopening after lockdown, meaning soon I’ll be able to return to my solo-date tradition of sitting on a cocktail bar patio with a good book and not a care in the world. Blissful!

To celebrate, here are the recipes for cocktails I love to sip in summer, incase you, too, are craving refreshing libations. (Be sure to also check out my previous post of cocktail recipes to learn about the Southside, possibly my all-time favorite summer drink.)


As a white lady, I won’t claim to be any kind of margarita expert. Really, the thing to do is go to the best Mexican restaurant in your city/town and order their margarita – just the basic/traditional version, nothing fancy. (Try as I might, I can’t seem to make a margarita as delicious as the giant ones served at Toronto’s El Catrin.)

That said, this drink is so classically summery that I appreciate being able to make one at home if I feel like it. Here’s the specs I use…


  • 1.5 oz tequila
  • 0.75 oz fresh-squeezed lime juice
  • 0.75 oz Cointreau
  • 0.25 oz agave syrup (or simple syrup if you don’t have it)

Run the juicy part of a lemon slice around the rim of a glass to get it sticky, and then gently roll the lemony rim against a pile of salt on a plate until you get your glass as salt-rimmed as you want it. Then, combine all above ingredients in a cocktail shaker, add ice, and shake until well-chilled. Strain into glass over ice (or sans ice if you prefer).

Black Walnut

This is one of the house drinks at Northwood, a local bar I like very much. I have no idea what their actual recipe is, but this version was devised by my partner Matt when I told them I missed being able to sip this drink. They did a bunch of research on it and messaged with one of our bartender friends to try to figure out an approximation of the Black Walnut as served at Northwood, and I think it tastes very close to the real thing!


Add all ingredients to a cocktail shaker. Add ice and shake until well-chilled. Strain into glass over a big ice cube. Garnish with a cinnamon stick.

*To make cinnamon demerara syrup: Bring 2 cups of water to a boil on the stovetop, then reduce heat to medium-low and add 1 cup of demerara sugar + a few crumbled cinnamon sticks. Stir continuously until all the sugar is dissolved. For maximum cinnamon flavor, let steep for anywhere from 1 hour to overnight. Then, strain mixture into a bottle.

**To make walnut tea-infused rum: Add ~2 tablespoons of black walnut tea to a bottle of white rum (I like Bacardi’s). Shake vigorously. Let infuse for at least 2 hours, then strain and return to bottle.

Daiquiri #2

This is a fruitier, even more summery take on the classic daiquiri, which traditionally contains just lime juice, rum, and a little sugar. I like this orange-centric version because it reminds me of tropical vacations.


  • 2 oz white rum
  • 0.75 oz fresh-squeezed lime juice
  • 0.5 oz simple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon fresh-squeezed orange juice
  • 1 teaspoon curaçao

Add all ingredients to cocktail shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled. Double-strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with an orange twist.

Jungle Bird

My spouse introduced me to this formidable drink. It feels like a super grown-up cocktail due to the way it balances sweetness with bitterness so well, especially compared to other fruity drinks.


  • 1.5 oz dark rum
  • 1.5 oz pineapple juice
  • 0.75 oz Campari
  • 0.5 oz lime juice
  • 0.5 oz simple syrup

Add all ingredients to cocktail shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled. Strain into an old-fashioned glass over a big ice cube. Garnish with a pineapple frond and/or orange slice.


This drink, too, is a nice interplay between sweetness and bitterness. I first had it when my partner and I decided to watch the movie Blue Jasmine together and wanted a thematically appropriate cocktail to sip during the film. Cate Blanchett’s character in that movie, Jasmine, probably would have liked this drink – it’s bright, refined, and a little quirky.


  • 1.5 oz gin (ideally a London dry gin like Tanqueray or Bombay Sapphire)
  • 0.75 oz fresh-squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 oz Cointreau
  • 0.5 oz Campari

Add all ingredients to cocktail shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled. Strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.

What have you been sipping lately?

Menstrual Cup Tips & Tricks

I’ve been using menstrual cups for more than 12 years. When I was 16, my best friend at the time bought one from a local health food store because she was concerned about the environmental impact of pads and tampons (reasonably so) and wanted to try a more eco-friendly alternative.

I, on the other hand, had been using menstrual sea sponges (which I hadn’t yet learned are probably not safe to use), but had found that they couldn’t contain my flow and would leak whenever I sneezed (!!), so I wrote an email to my friend. “I’m looking at the DivaCup,” I said. “What are your experiences? Do you love it? Have you had any issues with it? Any words of warning?”

My friend wrote me back a glowing review in which she said she loved her DivaCup the way she loved her Coach bag, because both were built to last a long time. “It feels a lot sexier than tampons, too,” she wrote, “because it’s so much cleaner and because of that no-leakage factor.” I was sold, and bought my first menstrual cup online a few days later.

In the years since, I’ve tried many different cups, and have learned a lot about the best ways to use them. Here’s some of what I learned the hard way, presented here so that you can learn it the easy way!


Cup Selection

• There’s a great LiveJournal page where the ever-resourceful menstrual cup community has assembled sizing info on many of the cups currently available, as well as their capacity and some other useful stuff. If you’ve tried a cup before and didn’t like the sizing for your particular anatomy, I would suggest going on there and looking for a cup that’s longer/shorter/wider/thinner (whichever you think you need).

• While different-sized cups are often described as being suitable for people who have or haven’t given birth vaginally, that’s definitely not the only factor that can decide which cup size and shape is most comfortable for you. Take companies’ recommendations into consideration, but know that you know your own body better than they do.

• I’ve probably tried 8-10 different kinds of menstrual cup over the years, and my all-time favorite is the large Yuuki cup in firm silicone (they also make a softer silicone version, and a smaller size). I’ve noticed that with my particular anatomy, soft silicone cups tend to leak more, especially if I’m moving around a lot. I find, by contrast, that the firm Yuuki pops open easily when I insert it and almost never leaks when inserted properly (see below for insertion tips).

• A while ago, I was sent the Intimina Ziggy menstrual cup, which has a different shape and insertion method than most cups. I find that its flatter shape is sometimes more comfortable for me on days when my period is causing some vaginal discomfort/sensitivity. It also takes less hand dexterity to insert (you just pinch it, push it in, and tuck the front rim behind your pubic bone), so I often choose it instead of my Yuuki when my hand pain is flaring up. The Ziggy definitely leaks more than my Yuuki, but if I’m just lying around at home as I’ve mostly been doing lately, that’s not a huge deal for me.


Inserting a Cup

• First of all, if your cup has a stem to make removal easier, be aware that cutting the stem off (carefully, with sharp scissors) is always an option. I cut the stem off my Yuuki after only a couple of wears because I found that it was poking me in the vaginal wall and wasn’t necessary for removal. Some people just trim the stem a bit shorter, depending on their body and preferences.

• I have found that running some cold water over a menstrual cup right before insertion causes the silicone to temporarily firm up a little, which makes it easier to insert the cup.

• Your cup probably comes with insertion instructions, so look at those. There are numerous different ways to fold a cup so it can be inserted; I usually sort of fold mine in half so it resembles a “C” shape from the top, and slide it in while it’s folded.

• Lube can be helpful for insertion, especially when you’re first learning how to do it. Just make sure to only use water-based lube because other kinds may damage the cup or mess with the balance of your vaginal flora.

• Once the cup is inside you and past your pubic bone, you need to get it to unfold/open up. I usually do this by putting my thumb on one side of the cup and my index finger on the other side, and gently rotating/twisting the cup until I feel it open up. Sometimes doing Kegels can also help with this.

• Rotating the cup, as described above, can also help create a mild “seal” between the cup and your cervix, thereby reducing leakage. I find that only some cups are consistently able to achieve a good seal in this way, my beloved Yuuki being one of them.

• I know that this process sounds complicated, but I promise that once you’ve done it a few times, it gets much easier and more intuitive. I barely have to think about putting mine in nowadays; it comes very naturally.


Wearing a Cup

• Barring vaginismus or other legit vaginal health issues, you shouldn’t generally be able to feel a cup while you’re wearing it (in much the same way as a tampon), or at least it shouldn’t be uncomfortable at all. If it is uncomfortable, you may not be inserting it deeply enough or you may be using a cup of a size or firmness that doesn’t work well for your anatomy.

• It’s probably a good idea to wear a pantyliner or pad for at least the first few times you wear a cup, incase of leakage. But even after wearing cups for 12+ years, I’ll still sometimes put a reusable pad in my underwear on really heavy flow days/nights, just incase.


Removing a Cup

• You should not wear a cup for longer than about 8 hours at a time without, at the very least, taking it out and rinsing it off before re-inserting it. This is because menstrual cups obstruct the vagina’s self-cleaning process, so it’s easy for your vag’s natural balance of flora to get thrown off if you wear a cup for 10-12+ hours without rinsing it. Trust me, I’ve gotten bacterial vaginosis from doing this before; learn from my mistakes!

• The first step when removing your menstrual cup is to break the seal between the cup and your cervix. In my experience, the best/easiest/fastest way to do this is to press a finger firmly against the side of the cup, just below the rim; this causes the cup to bend inwards, breaking the seal. It is especially important to MAKE SURE you break the seal before removal if you have an IUD in; some doctors say you straight-up can’t use menstrual cups if you have an IUD, because of the risk of the cup “sucking” the IUD out during removal, but if you break the seal properly every time, there will be much less risk of that. (I’m not a doctor, though, so ask yours if you’re not sure!)

• Once the seal is broken, you can gently pull the cup out. I usually do this over the toilet so the blood goes in there, but beginners may want to do it in a shower/bathtub at first in case of splashing or spilling. Like insertion, removal gets much easier with repetition.

• When you remove your cup to empty it (which, as I mentioned, you should do at least once every 8 hours), it’s best to wash it off in the sink before re-inserting it, either with just water or with water and a mild soap. However, if you’re doing this in a public bathroom and can’t get to the sink, you could either rinse the cup over the toilet with some water from a bottle you bring with you, or just wipe it off as best you can with toilet paper before re-inserting.

• Most cups have tiny holes around the rim that help with breaking the seal. Take care to wash these really well whenever you wash your cup, as they can be a breeding ground for bacteria otherwise. I usually fill the cup with soapy water, put my hand flat over the top of it, and squeeze, so that water is forced out of the tiny holes. I’ll do that a few times until I see that the holes have been completely cleared, and then rinse.


Cups & Sex

• Some cup manufacturers, like Intimina of the aforementioned Ziggy, claim that their cup can be worn during sex (by which they mean penetrative vaginal sex, which isn’t the only kind of sex, obviously). Personally I have never found a cup that can actually be worn during penetrative sex without leaking a ton, feeling uncomfortable for one or both partners, and/or straight-up obstructing the entire orifice.

• That said, it’s very possible to receive oral sex while wearing a cup (and it may in fact be one of the least messy ways to do so on your period) as well as other forms of external penetration. I’ve also found, in various lazy menstrual masturbation sessions, that some cups sit high enough to give you a little bit of G-spot access for stimulation with fingers or a slim toy (depending on where your spot is located and the size of your cup).

• For the most part, when I want to have penetrative sex of any kind while on my period, I’ll take my cup out at the beginning of the session (and lay down a towel). This is because the sexual arousal process causes the vagina to lengthen and the cervix to lift, so it can be really difficult to remove a cup once you’re already super turned on because you will have to reach farther. Taking it out before any/much foreplay is much easier for me.

• If I’m having sex with someone who I’ve never discussed menstrual cups with, I’ll make sure to give them a brief explainer at some point before sex. It can be alarming to go to finger someone and feel something inside their vagina that you can’t identify and have never felt before!


Cup Maintenance

• Cups will usually become discolored over time. This is normal. You can slow down this process by only washing yours in cold water, because warm/hot water encourages bloodstains. I have also found that leaving my cup in the sunshine for several hours (like, say, on a windowsill) helps remove some of the coloration. Some people also like to soak theirs in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for a few hours (make sure to wash off your cup very well with soap and water afterward!).

• At least once per menstrual cycle (generally after your period is over), you should sanitize your cup thoroughly. Some people do this using just soap and water; some people go further than that, boiling their cup in a pot on the stovetop or soaking it in various diluted alcohol or bleach solutions. I personally have never had an issue that would cause me to believe that a thorough soap-and-water wash isn’t enough. (This advice only applies if your cup is made of silicone, however. Some are made of more porous materials, such as thermoplastic elastomer; I would not recommend these, but if you do happen to have one, you should clean it more often and more thoroughly than you would silicone.)

• I have had my favorite cup for 10 years and it still looks fine and works great. Silicone cups are meant to last a long time, which is one of the reasons they’re so beneficial ecologically and economically. You can replace yours if/when you want to, but as long as it’s not structurally damaged in some way, you probably don’t have to.


Have you tried menstrual cups? What are your fave tips and tricks for using them?

6 Ways to Simulate Group Sex

Photo by Kynan (I think?) of glass dildos some friends and I made together in 2015

As scads of people get vaccinated, and lockdowns start to lift in response, I’m seeing more and more jokes on social media about options for group sex opening up as well. For friends of mine whose lives ordinarily contain a high concentration of threesomes, foursomes, and moresomes, the pandemic has brought on a particular type of group-oriented touch starvation that many are hoping to rectify as soon as it’s safe to do so.

But I’m also seeing a common sentiment among these folks that despite their previous willingness to jump into such activities (and more power to ’em), they’re nonetheless feeling hesitant to wade back into those risky waters when we’ve spent the past year avoiding other people like… well… the plague. Sure, depending on your vaccine status, it may or may not be medically okay for you to go hook up with a handful of other vaxxed folks who you find on dating sites like Tinder for Couples, but will it feel okay psychologically just yet? Maybe not. And that’s quite reasonable!

For anyone who’s unable, unwilling, or just hesitant to hop back into group sex, but still craves it, here are some suggestions for replicating it without the actual “group” part…

1. Fantasize. I’m sure you’ve been doing this already if you’re orgiastically inclined! Break out your filthiest mental images and imaginings, during either masturbation or partnered sex. It’ll amp up your excitement, plus studies show we’re better equipped to handle situations we’ve already visualized and practiced in our minds.

2. Use sex toys. A realistic dildo can help you feel like there’s another dick in the room; a full-lipped Fleshlight can feel like an additional mouth has joined the chat; hell, if you’re lucky enough to own a sex doll, you can dress it up (or strip it down) to create the sense of another horny person’s presence. Toys aren’t the same as another human being, naturally, but they’re a decent stopgap measure for the time being.

3. Incorporate bondage and sensory deprivation. If you’re tied down and can’t see what’s happening, it’s much easier to suspend your disbelief and go along with a fantasy that someone else is in the room with you. Maybe your partner could put on some group-sex porn to create a sexy sonic backdrop for your scene, and then silently pretend to be a near-stranger touching you while you squirm and writhe.

4. Talk dirty about it. Whether in person, over the phone, or via text, you can share fantasies with a partner (or hopeful future partner!) about what you’d like to do in a group scenario. This, again, is a lovely way to ponder your desires so you’ll be better equipped to pursue them when it’s safe to do so – and perhaps to commiserate with someone who is feeling similarly orgy-hungry!

5. Zoom with friends. If you’re a kinky pervert, you probably have friends who are too, or at least online acquaintances. See if they’re missing group sex as much as you are; maybe they’d be up for a Zoom orgy, Skype threesome, friendly fuck over FaceTime, etc.

6. Put on a cam show. For some people, much of group sex’s appeal comes from its exhibitionistic qualities. If performing for others is the main thing you’re missing, you can always hop onto a cam site (such as, which has a live cam chat feature) and show off for adoring strangers. Just be sure to cover your face and any identifying tattoos, birthmarks, etc. if you want to protect your privacy.

Folks who are missing group sex, what has helped you deal with this craving during the pandemic?


This post was sponsored. As always, all writing and opinions are my own.